Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quarter Life Crisis

Lately I've been feeling pretty emotional.  Kind of like this:

and like this:

All rolled into one person.

  I think it's just because I'm working 2 jobs (typically leaving my house around 10 and not getting home until 830), have bills to pay, and basically am having to adjust to being a 'real' adult.  It's just a whole new and different level of stress.  I mean, I felt stress in school, but not quite like this.

I jokingly tell Zane and other close friends that I feel like I'm going through a quarter life crisis.  I feel like I should go get some extreme hair cut, get a tattoo (except not really), buy something really expensive and unnecessary (unlike my car, which is expensive, but necessary) , or go on some exotic vacation.  I have yet to do any of those things.  Mostly because I don't have the money.  But I did decide that I wanted to get away from it all, so I went to visit my Momma :)  I'm past the phase where I think my mom knows nothing.  In fact, I call her pretty much every day to ask her something, whether it be about my insurance, how to cook something, you know, mom questions.

So I will be adding a post about that trip.  It was only for a weekend, but a weekend with my mom and little brothers always makes me feel better.  Plus I didn't have to worry about cooking or anything like that, so I was actually able to relax a little bit.

To hold you over until that blog about my trip (which should come soon), here's a song that pretty much helps sum up how I feel.  Unfortunately, I don't know when I will be "home" again, but Tomball, know that I miss you!

~ Tara