Friday, November 22, 2013

Where in the World have I been!?!?!?!

Hello any and all of my lovely blog readers!

It has been MONTHS since I've written a post on the good ol' personal blog.  If it makes you all feel better, my personal journal is lacking in entries as well.  And it's not because nothing significant or interesting has happened to me lately.  I have been beyond busy!  Lots of fun stuff has happened that I hope to share with all of you in the next  few days.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive and kicking.  I hope to make blogging a more consistent aspect of my life.  It's nice to type out my daily happenings and share what's going on in my life with the world.

Some things to look forward to reading about:

  • my new job
  • my new man
  • my new puppy :) 
  • my first trip to Las Vegas
  • eventually my first trip to the North East, which is paired with the first time I'm meeting my man's family.  EEEEEEK
I look forward to sharing everything with you all soon!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Year, new resolutions

I bet everyone thought I forgot about blogging.  HA I fooled you!  I've just been pretty busy and exhausted and blogging has kind of been the last thing on my mind.  I will think about doing it, and then my warm bed calls my name and I have to answer it. . . yeah that's my life.

So 2013 has been a lovely year so far.  I thought long and hard about my resolutions.  Normally when I come up with resolutions, they are broken pretty quickly.  I think the only time I've really been successful at keeping one was when Ky and I went off caffeine for a year.  HARDEST YEAR OF MY LIFE.  No college student should EVER resolve to not drink caffeine.  Seriously a bad idea.  I figured that with this being my first year out of school, maybe I could actually devote some time and energy into keeping my resolutions. So now I'm going to share some of them with you.

Number 1: get engaged. . . Ok this isn't for realz.  Zane and I are perfectly happy in our relationship and will get engaged if and when it feels right. But this doesn't mean that if I were to get engaged I wouldn't be super happy.  Just saying.  But don't freak out Zane, I'm not rushing you. :)

Ok for the real ones:

1. budget my money better.  I have been living on a tight budget for a while now and have yet to be successful at budgeting it.  I am SO bad about impulse buying.  I have set up an entire jump drive for the purpose of budgeting my money and tracking my spending.  Hopefully that will help me see how much I am wasting on dumb stuff and will help me stretch my dollar more effectively.

2. be more healthy.  I'll admit I haven't done TOO great at this so far.  I did get a gym membership and have been meeting with a personal trainer over the past few weeks (thanks Gold's Gym for the 4 free sessions with my membership).  But the fast food has been killing me.  I NEED to stay away from the cheap, greasy food.  I love to cook, but when I come home from work I'm exhausted and lazy and just don't feel like cooking. I need a solution here!!!  And the fruits and veggies and me aren't getting a long too well.  I buy them, eat a few, and then the rest go bad.  So basically I need to be more diligent about going to the gym and cooking and less diligent about paying McDonalds. . .

These are my 2 main ones that aren't super personal.  Pretty cliche and boring huh?  I seriously want to accomplish both of these in 2013.  Hound me about them!!!!!  I want to develop better habits now so that when I have a family of my own, I can teach my kids without it being a struggle.

Just an update on my life.  As I said, Zane and I are happy.  We've been together 8 months and are going strong :)  I HOPE to be visiting Florida in March and going to Universal Studios.  Thanks Dad!  I have at least 1 wedding to go to this year.  YAY Allison and Kevin!  I am potentially looking for a new and/or additional job to help with the budget.  And I can't wait for my last W-2 to get here so that I can get all my money back from the Government.  I'm glad you could use it Government, but I want it back!

Sorry this post has been picture-less. I'll try and take more pics this year.  This is my 3rd resolution!

Love you all!
