I bet everyone thought I forgot about blogging. HA I fooled you! I've just been pretty busy and exhausted and blogging has kind of been the last thing on my mind. I will think about doing it, and then my warm bed calls my name and I have to answer it. . . yeah that's my life.
So 2013 has been a lovely year so far. I thought long and hard about my resolutions. Normally when I come up with resolutions, they are broken pretty quickly. I think the only time I've really been successful at keeping one was when Ky and I went off caffeine for a year. HARDEST YEAR OF MY LIFE. No college student should EVER resolve to not drink caffeine. Seriously a bad idea. I figured that with this being my first year out of school, maybe I could actually devote some time and energy into keeping my resolutions. So now I'm going to share some of them with you.
Number 1: get engaged. . . Ok this isn't for realz. Zane and I are perfectly happy in our relationship and will get engaged if and when it feels right. But this doesn't mean that if I were to get engaged I wouldn't be super happy. Just saying. But don't freak out Zane, I'm not rushing you. :)
Ok for the real ones:
1. budget my money better. I have been living on a tight budget for a while now and have yet to be successful at budgeting it. I am SO bad about impulse buying. I have set up an entire jump drive for the purpose of budgeting my money and tracking my spending. Hopefully that will help me see how much I am wasting on dumb stuff and will help me stretch my dollar more effectively.
2. be more healthy. I'll admit I haven't done TOO great at this so far. I did get a gym membership and have been meeting with a personal trainer over the past few weeks (thanks Gold's Gym for the 4 free sessions with my membership). But the fast food has been killing me. I NEED to stay away from the cheap, greasy food. I love to cook, but when I come home from work I'm exhausted and lazy and just don't feel like cooking. I need a solution here!!! And the fruits and veggies and me aren't getting a long too well. I buy them, eat a few, and then the rest go bad. So basically I need to be more diligent about going to the gym and cooking and less diligent about paying McDonalds. . .
These are my 2 main ones that aren't super personal. Pretty cliche and boring huh? I seriously want to accomplish both of these in 2013. Hound me about them!!!!! I want to develop better habits now so that when I have a family of my own, I can teach my kids without it being a struggle.
Just an update on my life. As I said, Zane and I are happy. We've been together 8 months and are going strong :) I HOPE to be visiting Florida in March and going to Universal Studios. Thanks Dad! I have at least 1 wedding to go to this year. YAY Allison and Kevin! I am potentially looking for a new and/or additional job to help with the budget. And I can't wait for my last W-2 to get here so that I can get all my money back from the Government. I'm glad you could use it Government, but I want it back!
Sorry this post has been picture-less. I'll try and take more pics this year. This is my 3rd resolution!
Love you all!