Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I’ve been thinking a lot about whether I want to set “New Year’s Resolutions” this coming year.  In the past the only resolution I’ve been able to even somewhat keep has been “no more caffeine”.  I quickly abandoned that resolution the second the next New Year came around.  As it turns out I LOVE Dr. Pepper.  Having only ever really successfully completed one resolution I hesitated to sit down and really set some serious goals.  Would it be worth my time?  Am I just setting myself up to be disappointed come February when I have failed at all of my resolutions?  These are the questions I have been asking myself as the New Year approaches. 
After thinking very seriously about it, I have decided to set some goals for 2015.  I don’t want to call them “New Year’s Resolutions” because I think that just begs to not be accomplished.  I feel like I am at the best point so far in my life in so many different areas.  I finally have a dependable job that offers me reliable pay.  I might not make a ton of money, but I finally feel like I can set a budget and even put some money aside for savings.  I am in a very stable relationship with the most supportive of boyfriends.  He might not go to the gym with me and he might not like every new recipe I try out but he supports me no matter what.  If I say I want to eat healthier or want to go to the gym on a regular basis he is right there pushing me off my lazy butt.  I have a great friend who seems to have the same fitness goals as I do.  Granted she lives in Boise but she is always there to support me in my gym adventures, run races with, and vent to when I fall off the work out wagon.  I am in such a great place in my life that even if I fail miserably at each and every one of these resolutions I know I will still be happy and satisfied with my life.
So here goes. My list of goals for 2015.  I have thought long and hard about this and am only listing the most serious goals I want to accomplish.
Run a half marathon.  Kyrene (my race buddy) and I are really wanting to run the haunted half in October 2015. We are figuring out a serious plan to make this a possibility in the next few days.  While a half marathon might not happen this year, maybe a 10k?  We have accomplished a 5k, but can always improve and progress right?

Lose some weight!!!!  This hopefully goes hand in hand with running a half marathon.  As I have previously posted, I have gone up a couple sizes in the past year and a half or so.  Funny how that time line corresponds with how long I’ve been with John. . .   No I’m not blaming John for my weight gain.  Since starting to date John a LOT of things in my life has changed.  I’ve had a couple different jobs, we’ve moved a couple of times, we’ve gotten busier, etc.  Now that our life has kind of slowed down and at least stabilized a bit I think it’s a good time to get serious about shedding those few extra pounds and just being healthier in general.  My sister-in-law gave me some great ideas after I posted about wanting to be healthier.  She has inspired me to set a menu every week, which definitely helps me not go out to eat every night.  I hope to get better about eating healthier, going to the gym, and making smarter decisions in general.  Some subsets of this goal are:
a.       Stop the soda drinking.  You have no idea how much this pains me.  I seriously LOVE Dr. Pepper.  And I am addicted to caffeine.  I get a horrible headache without it and am a bit cranky.  But soda is bad for you and does not help with weight loss, so away it will go.
b.      Cut back on fast food.  If I absolutely HAVE to go out to eat I need to choose healthier options.  But ideally I won’t be stopping at McDonalds for chicken nuggets at all.  Thank goodness fast food joints have some decent salads these days J
c.       Go to the gym at LEAST 3 times a week.  The only adjustment to this is if I decide to go for a run outside while training for the big race.  But for the most part I choose the gym over outdoor running.  Something about being able to watch tv while on the treadmill makes working out a bit more bearable. 

Save some money!  I need to assign an actual dollar amount to this  but until I sit  down with my spreadsheets and pay stubs and figure out what I can feasibly afford to save every month I am keeping this pretty generic.  I’ve been working on paying off some debt (yay student loans!)  so that’s where a lot of my extra cash has been going.  I want to continue to keep ahead of loan payments but also put some money away for a rainy day.   I think I will focus all of my cleaning checks on paying off debt and put any money I make in overtime at Big Mountain into savings.  Or something like that. Like I said, I need to think this one through a little bit more.

Become a better couponer.  Yes I said it, coupons.  I first realized how much money I could save by watching Extreme Couponing.  Granted that show is a bit unrealistic.  But the reality is you really can save some serious money using coupons.  I have done it myself a time or two and have watched some youtube videos featuring real people in real situations save some serious dough.  I have finally found a blog to follow that really helps piece together great deals.  I just need to be dedicated to it in order to really reap the benefits of couponing.  I’ve been casually couponing for the past year or so but I really think I want to delve into this.  It takes some time, but I think the money I could save is well worth it.   We’ll see how beneficial couponing is I guess.

Alright so there you have it.  My most serious goals for 2015.  I really think I can keep most of these.  I just need to be dedicated to it, and not succumb to the laziness that I have fallen victim to time and time again.  Hopefully Kyrene and John can help me stay focused on the fitness goals, as those are the ones I really want to accomplish this coming year. 
I hope you all have success in any New Year’s Resolutions you might be embarking on as well.  Hopefully we can all stay motivated and have a great 2015!

Until next time,
