Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Homemade Dog Treats

If you didn't know by now I have 2 pups.

Meet Griswold (Griz for short):
And Jimba (AKA Jim Jam):

These pups are pretty much the center of my universe.  I love them to pieces and would do anything for them.  They are my kiddos for now.  I spoil them like crazy.  Just ask John. 

One night I was exploring Pinterest.  I came across a few homemade dog treat recipes.  If anyone has shopped for dog treats, you know that they can REALLY add up in price.  I even purchase them using coupons and I still spend way too much money on those dang things.  I came across the simplest of recipes and decided to give it a try.  Here is the recipe I used.  I'm all about 2 ingredient recipes!  Flour and baby food?  Count me in!

My first attempt at making these treats went. . . ok.  Take a look:

 I had some sweet coupons for this Beechnut baby food. I made 2 batches.  This combo, and a sweet potato chicken combo.

 So I don't have a rolling pin at my house.  I used a cup. It worked alright, but I'm definitely investing in a rolling pin.  I also didn't have any cookie cutters.  It turns out the baby food jar worked pretty ok.  I don't need large treats since my pups are 16 pounds and Griz is starting to pack on the pounds. . .

The pups seemed to really like them.  Granted I have yet to find a food they don't like.  They eat literally anything that hits the floor.

Here are a few tips:  First, use a rolling pin!  I made some more treats at my grandparents house the next weekend and used my grandma's rolling pin.  I was able to get a LOT more treats because I was able to roll the dough a lot thinner. My first attempt got me about 70 treats.  The second attempt I think I got 100 or so.   I also bought a couple of cookie cutters at JoAnn's.  This didn't really make a difference in how many treats I got out of the batch, but the treats were cuter.  Second tip, store these treats in the refrigerator, especially if it's the middle of summer and you do not have central AC.  I thought the treats would be fine in a container in my kitchen.  I noticed they felt moist, so I moved them into the bedroom.  Our bedroom tends to stay cooler during the day, so I thought that might help.  Less than a week later all of the treats were moldy.  Sad day.  When I made another batch of treats I stored them in a ziploc bag in the refrigerator.  They have stayed nice and crunchy, and, most importantly, MOLD FREE!  Third tip, bake these treats for 25 minutes.  The first batch I baked for 20 minutes and some of them were soft in the middle.  I think this contributed to the mold issue.  I baked the second batch for 25 minutes and they turned out nice and crunchy.

The pups have almost finished the second batch of treats.  I went out and bought more baby food and hope to make some more treats in the next couple of weeks.  While the process of making the treats can be a bit time consuming, I feel like I will continue to make these treats.  I happen to love baking, so I don't mind the time making the treats takes. I also like knowing what my little fur  babies are eating.  While I'm not one of those "my family must consume only the healthiest of foods with no preservatives" types, it's always nice to know exactly what the pups are eating.  John and I try to feed them healthy food, so healthy treats are nice as well.  There are so many varieties of baby foods that I can choose from, so I'm excited to explore my options.  I don't think I will start exclusively giving my dogs these snacks.  The convenience of store bought treats is not something I can ignore.  It is just easier sometimes to run to Target and buy a box of treats to last until I feel like making more treats.  But I certainly plan on making these on a fairly regular basis.  I also have a few other recipes I want to try.  But I will probably hold off until it's not 100 degrees outside.  Not having central A/C really stinks. . . especially when it comes to cooking and baking.  Oh well!

Until next time,


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Don't walk in your backyard barefoot. . .

Monday morning I let the pups out as usual.  I noticed that the sprinkler was on, so I went to turn it off.  I walked across my backyard as I do all the time.  I stepped on a thorn.  I pulled the thorn out.  But a stubborn piece of that thorn got stuck in my foot.  I could not get it out.  I tried EVERYTHING I could think of.  I tried baking soda paste, hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salt, I even had John try to cut it open.  Side note there is not enough tequila in the world to make that not hurt.

So this morning I went to doctor.  I really did not want to go to the doctor to get a stupid thorn removed.  I thought she was going to think I was an idiot.  Luckily I left feeling justified.  The thorn was in my foot pretty deep.  She dug at it for half an hour.  Every time she would grab the thorn she would get a little sliver, but not the whole thing.  She had to give me 3 different shots of Lidacain to numb my foot.  But  finally the little booger came out.  And it was LITTLE.  Luckily I have no infection, just a hole in my foot.  And the new resolution to never walk outside barefoot again.  I am putting a pair of flip flops by my back door.  Seriously that thing freakin hurt.  Let this be a lesson to you all.  Never walk barefoot through grass.  There's all sorts of stuff hiding in there that can cause you a LOT of pain.